Thursday, October 2, 2008

The brave little man

Hi, Cameron here.

Mom and Dad are becoming pros at getting my contact lenses in and out! They've got it down to about ten minutes. I've got a new pair that fits really well. I can't wear them all day because it's bad for my eyes if I sleep with them in too much, during the day. I'm still waiting for the special ones from England. Those ones can stay in all day.

Slowly, slowly I think I'm learning to see things differently. My brain, my optic nerve and the big wide world all have to get to know each other and that will take a while. But hopefully soon I'll be able to see shapes!

I'll be six months old on the 7 October and so far I think that life is very interesting. It's full of happy things, and unexpected things, and tough things to make me wise and strong.

Mom is running a 90 Word Short Story Competition for her boys at school. Here's a story she wrote about me:

Once upon a time there was a brave little man who set out on a journey to meet the King. The little man couldn’t see. Even though he lived in a shadow world of mingled blurs, he had a laughing, mighty heart and wherever he went he left behind him precious brightness. He journeyed up and down hills, across streams. His fingertips could see beauty; he could smell colour and hear smiles. His adventure was rich and anointed, not least because in fact the King journeyed with him, every step.

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