Wednesday, July 23, 2008

holiday photos...

Supper on the beach

Cam enjoying his classical iTunes...

The first time Cam's feet felt the sand... and a visit to his great-grandparents in George

Mountain Zebra National Park with Dad and Lola


We are on holiday at Nature’s Valley, with my sister Coral and Toby and their kids; my folks will be joining us for the weekend.

It’s been a wonderful blessing to get away from it all for a bit, to rest, chat, think, pray and process. We’ve had our sad moments. Nature’s is our most favourite place in the known universe, and there’s a terrible ache in my heart to know that Cam can’t see it. Fortunately the beauty here is so tangible that he can experience it in other ways – the salty air on his face and sand between his toes; the breeze whipping up the scent of forest and fynbos; the music of birds and baboons and waves and wind.

We’re doing OT and physio exercises with Cam everyday and he’s been fantastic. It’s really exciting to see his progress. Of course Lola loves the beach, but wanted nothing at all to do with a stranded jellyfish we came across, whimpering and hiding behind Murray’s legs!

Here are some pics…

Sunday, July 13, 2008


On Thursday last week we had an hour and a half consultation with a specialist geneticist/paediatrician regarding Cameron’s situation, and us, and the future. Dr Honey believes that Cam’s cataracts are genetic, which has implications for us in terms of expanding our little clan… Quite a hard blow. Please continue to pray for us; we have some big decisions to make.

In the meantime, Cam is thriving and we are enjoying him so very much! We adore him, and we are believing in a bright, beautiful future for him.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Yesterday Murray and I took Cameron back to the Baby Therapy Centre, for a full assessment by an OT, a physio and a speech therapist. They reckon he is doing really well (i.e. he’s reached all the fine and gross motor milestones that a sighted – a ‘normal’ – three month old should have). They want to see him for some therapy, to prepare him for the milestones that will be coming up in the next few months (e.g. sitting, crawling, etc), and in which vision would ordinarily play a central role. They were just so kind and encouraging and positive! And Cam was really co-operative. I think he’s going to be a bit of a flirt… A friend of mine has also leant me a whole bunch more touchy-feely-noisy toys for Cam to explore.

Pastor Mike and Irene came for coffee last night and we had such a wonderful time chatting through the issues with them. We were deeply encouraged and are feeling stronger and more positive.

We are aware that we have grace and strength and wisdom for TODAY, and we’re trying to focus on that and live in the moment – while trying to prepare for the future with a sense of hope and expectation.

Thanks for all the love!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

some pics

1. Aunty Coral's rye-marmite-hand-mouth-co-ordination rusks
2. Cuzzies - Craig & Cam
3-6. Cam rolling over!
7. Cam being cute
8. Dad & Cam snoozing...
9. Lola & Cam snoozing...
10. Sabie River
11. Cam playing his wind chimes (inadvertently)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hi all

Murray and I have both been pretty down... but still so grateful for the love and prayer that surrounds us. Cam is now 12 weeks old and he is utterly gorgeous, 'talking' plenty, laughing when you tickle him, etc... I logged onto facebook today for the first time in ages, only to find that one of my 2007 Matrics has started a group called 'Cameron Reyburn for St Alban's Headboy 2026.' How cool is that! :) With our God, all things are possible!

Love d