Cameron has been very, very happy to have his Daddy home again! :) He recognized Murray at the airport straight away and immediately clung to his head, grinning, as he does when he’s very happy to see someone…
All three of us had gastro this week, and Cam has some new teeth coming, so he’s had bad nappy rash – hence the absence of pants and nappy in some of the photos. We were playing in the garden yesterday afternoon and sans nappy was definitely the more comfortable option for Cam.
All three of us had gastro this week, and Cam has some new teeth coming, so he’s had bad nappy rash – hence the absence of pants and nappy in some of the photos. We were playing in the garden yesterday afternoon and sans nappy was definitely the more comfortable option for Cam.
You can pray for Cam this week: now that he’s nearly 15 months he moves up from the Fish Class into the Bunny Class, at Heavenly Babies. Which means getting used to new teachers and new little friends all over again… But at least his old class is right next door, his teachers have promised to visit him, and Maria will go with him to school again for the first day or two of being in his new class. Also, the sounds and smells are all the same, and his routine and activities won’t change drastically.
Exciting news is that we finally got a pair of silicon hydragel contact lenses from the UK and they seem to fit Cam well. These are the (expensive) lenses that are much more oxygen permeable than normal soft contact lenses, which means he can sleep with them in, during the day, for as long as he likes! No more half hour naps! This morning after church he slept for two hours – what bliss (for him and for us!). Murray ordered this particular pair of lenses on 9 April so it’s been a long wait. Because the material of these lenses is different to that of standard soft contact lenses, he has designed and re-designed these lenses and we’ve been disappointed so far with what has been sent to us from England, but his latest design is quite revolutionary and hopefully now we’re onto something that will work for Cam. Now we just hope he doesn’t lose them…! :)
Besides the risqué garden photo shoot, the other photos are of Granny introducing Cam to the evils of junk food (that’s what grandparents are for), and an outing to the bird sanctuary with Granny and Grandpa and the De Koks.