Monday, August 30, 2010

New blog

I’m a word person, more than a picture person, so while some people paint or scrapbook or photograph, I’ve used this blog as a way to record the first 2 years and nearly 5 months of Cameron’s life. It’s cool for me to think that Cam will have this record to delve into one day when he’s ready. And it will be good for Murray and me, in time, to remember things that for now are easier to forget. I might also draw on some of what I’ve written here when I finally get around to writing a book about this past season of our lives :). Keeping a blog has been cathartic for me, and a real source of healing. I know God has also used it here and there to encourage others, and I’m really grateful for that.

But seasons changes, and with spring and jasmine in the air, what better time for the August winds to be ushering in a brand new season. Our second little man arrives in just 3 weeks or so, Deo Volonte. I can’t possibly blog about one son and not the other, and the thought of keeping up two blogs, amidst copious newborn nappies, is just too daunting! So, I’ve created a new blog:

which you can visit, should you wish, to read about both our little boys. I want this blog to be a celebration of the depth, beauty and richness of life, reflecting the hope we have as believers, the freedom we have to seize life in all its fullness. As we walk through the seasons, recognising that ‘there are pockets of beauty in every season, even the wintery ones’ (Pam Ferreira), I want to be asking, ‘Where did I see God’s glory today?’ I want this blog to reflect that ‘He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him’ (John Piper). I want it to reflect the beautiful, paradoxical reality that we are getting younger on the inside, day by day – for ‘that is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.’ (2 Cor. 4:16)

If you read Cameron’s blog because you are given to praying for him and his visual progress, please keep checking the new blog. I will definitely continue to chronicle his journey! There should be photos soon of him wearing his new little glasses. Murray has designed specs for him to wear, to correct his astigmatism (but mostly to get him used to the idea of wearing glasses).

Lastly, thank you for reading my thoughts over the past two and a bit years. Often it has felt as if I’ve sent my bleeding heart out into the ethers of cyberspace to be judged, or worse, to be ignored. It’s then that I’ve received much needed encouragement, from close friends and family who read this blog, or from praying, distant friends as far flung as North America, the Middle East, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. From me, Murray and Cameron: THANK YOU and may our God bless you abundantly for carrying us.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two cute statements...

Cam today:

‘I not crying ‘cause I choosing the right attitude.’ (Shame, sounds like his Mom is quite intense...?! :)

‘No, Lola, stop it! You being ridiculous! Just relax Lola!’ (He was trying to wrap her in one of his baby brother's blankets and she was having none of it.)

Twenty-seven days ‘til baby brother makes his debut! :)

‘You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.’ – Psalm 139:16

Monday, August 9, 2010

Of painting and spotted, stripy cats...

Cam has had a happy couple of weeks!

Last weekend, he helped us repaint the cot for his baby brother (and he also painted Lola, the bricks, the roses bushes, etc...).

This weekend, Aunty Mel organised an adventure for Cam to see lions, tigers, leopards and cheetahs right up close! Farm Inn (owned by friends of Mel, and Old Albanians whom I taught) has a menagerie of these amazing cats, and it was awesome for Cam to be able to experience them just centimetres away.

And yesterday he made a lego camera and snapped pictures of the family, each photo preceded by a hysterical cry of ‘Click!’ :)

I can feel spring coming; God is good.