Thursday, March 26, 2009

This past week...

1-2: They say I'll never be able to drive, but check me out!?

3: I know what's beyond this green door - trees, fields, mud, so much fun...!!!!

4-5: Playing the piano with Ella...

6-7: Hardcore in my hat...

8-9: Lola and I helping Mom bake cupcakes for my party on Saturday...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My visit to the doc on Tuesday

Mom and Dad took me to Uncle Jacobus yesterday because Dad reckoned the vitreous stuff from the back of my eye was starting to cloud over my left pupil again, but Uncle Jacobus is not too worried at this stage and he says I don’t have to have another operation just yet – thank the Lord! I’ll be going for another EUA in about a month’s time.

Mom and I are both home from school today 'cause we've both got a nasty cold.

The photos:
- practising my walking
- chilling on Lola’s bed
- about to unpack the tupperware cupboard
- my new yellow table and chairs – an early birthday present from Granny and Grandpa
- and odds and ends…

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Star of the month!

In April I'm going to be Star of the Month at the Baby Therapy Centre! They asked Mom to write something for their website; here it is:

Cameron, and why I have hope

Our baby boy turns one this April. When I consider how this one year of his life has revolutionized our home, changed forever our priorities, driven us to our knees, challenged our thinking, and captured our hearts, I can’t begin to imagine what unspeakable richness the rest of his life will bring.

Cameron is severely visually impaired, and we live beneath the ominous cloud of chance that he may one day go completely blind. A few months ago I wrote that he moves ‘in shadow world of mingled blurs’, and in a sense, we as his parents have been trudging blind through a blur of our own, trying to understand, trying to find a place for the hurt, trying to live.

I have realised, however, that much of what blinds me is the world’s branding. Cameron is ‘disabled’, ‘special needs’, ‘not normal’, and he triggers the unasked for ‘Ag shame’ in so many supermarket queues. And so the pity and the stigma and the clichés usher in the debilitating fear.

But then I remember that what people think of Cameron doesn’t change who he is in God’s eyes. I remind myself of how I see him: not sidelined by society, but immeasurably blessed; not cursed, but favoured. I recall why it is that I have hope.

I have hope for Cameron because he is brave. I have hope for him because his laugh is contagious, and because he is handsome and smart. I have hope for him because he compensates for his vision in astounding ways and because he finds beauty and excitement all around him. I have hope for him because he lights up a room and because he draws people to himself, even the most cynical and unfeeling. I have hope for him because he is surrounded by those who will be his champions: grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends. I have hope for him because he lives in an age of opportunity and possibility, of technology and resources. I have hope for him because our home is a place of peace where Christ is King. Most of all, I have hope for him because he is a unique creation of God, and because he will know the magnificence of walking in the plans and purposes of a loving Creator.

I know that there are difficulties ahead, possibly many more than we can imagine. But with our God, the best is yet to be. Big things await. And so I do not fear for my son.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hey, I took my first steps today! No photo evidence yet so you'll have to take my word for it. Footage to follow, no doubt! :)

'Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."' - John 8:12

'For we walk by faith, not by sight.' - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Now that I'm 11 months...

Here are some latest photos of me: practising my walking (nearly there!), snoozing with Mom, snoozing with Dad, playing with Lola, etc.

I thought you might want to check out my school:

Maria came to school with me everyday this week so that I would have someone familiar with me, to help me adjust to the new environment. It was great having her there! I had such a good time and I didn’t feel freaked out. Every time I wasn’t sure where I was she would just talk to me and then I was fine. I think she’ll come with me a bit more next week, and then I should be ok to go on my own. Of course, I’m never really on my own, ‘cause Jesus is with me and He can see everything.

Lately, I like to get as dirty as possible – mud, car grease, I’m not fussy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sea, sand, cycling, school...

Quite a lot has been happening in my life in the past week or so!

Last week Dad and Uncle Toby did the ‘Sani 2 C’ mountain bike race. It’s so hardcore! Nearly 300 km of hectic, off-road, steep, muddy riding, for three days! (What’s cool is that a blind guy did the race, on a tandem bike with his dad.) Mom, Aunty Coral, Meagie, Craig and I went along to cheer for Dad and Uncle Toby, and then we stayed in Scottburgh for a couple of days which was awesome ‘cause I got to play in the sand and sea again, which I totally love. (I also ate some Form 4 essays about Shakespeare’s Henry V. I’m learning about being disciplined because that’s the sort of thing I’m not supposed to do.) Unfortunately Dad and I both came down with a nasty bug of sorts, which wasn’t a whole lot of fun…

Yesterday was my first day at my new school, Heavenly Babies. I really like it there! Mom stayed with me yesterday to make sure that I knew my way around. My teacher is Janine, and my two carers are Stella and Constance. I have seven new friends in the class with me, and we do all sorts of cool stimulation programmes, music, etc etc. We get breakfast and lunch, and Granny fetches me at 11h30. I have my own cot and my own cupboard, and on each of them is this little sign:

Inherent meaning: One of prominence
Spiritual connotation: Spiritual potential
‘For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.’ – Psalm 36:9
Murray & Dalene Reyburn
7 April 2008

Cool hey?! Every baby has a special verse that’s just for them. I think mine is particularly amazing.

My great-aunty Pam and great-uncle Jack came for supper last week. It’s so encouraging for Mom and Dad to chat to them about me. They told Mom and Dad about Gideon. He felt as if he couldn’t cope with what God was asking him to do, but God said to him, ‘Go with the strength you have...’ (Judges 6)