Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brand new ears

The little champ has come through his twelfth general anaesthetic with his sense of humour in tact (despite some truly memorable screaming the night and morning before the op...)!

The grommets procedure was postponed from Tuesday to Wednesday, and thankfully all went well. His ears dutifully oozed and I’m sure he feels a great deal better after the whole experience. His temperature does still keep on shooting up so we’re keeping a close eye on him…

The ENT said that Cam was losing about 20 decibels because of the fluid behind his eardrums and that we should see an immediate and rapid improvement in his speech. Already yesterday, he was making new sounds and imitating words I said…?! Scary to think that he relies on his ears so much and yet he actually hasn’t had the full use of that faculty, either.

We are so grateful for people’s faithful prayers! And for grommets.

1 comment:

Andries said...

I am not sure what I want to write, but I have this urge to just tell you that all three of you are inspirations to me! So there...