Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grandpa’s garage

Some cool pics of Cam at Granny and Grandpa's place.

Life is hectic at the moment…

'God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.' – Psalm 18:30-36

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A haiku for Cameron

Like bright green in spring
Your laughter lifts our spirits
And we soar with love

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brand new ears

The little champ has come through his twelfth general anaesthetic with his sense of humour in tact (despite some truly memorable screaming the night and morning before the op...)!

The grommets procedure was postponed from Tuesday to Wednesday, and thankfully all went well. His ears dutifully oozed and I’m sure he feels a great deal better after the whole experience. His temperature does still keep on shooting up so we’re keeping a close eye on him…

The ENT said that Cam was losing about 20 decibels because of the fluid behind his eardrums and that we should see an immediate and rapid improvement in his speech. Already yesterday, he was making new sounds and imitating words I said…?! Scary to think that he relies on his ears so much and yet he actually hasn’t had the full use of that faculty, either.

We are so grateful for people’s faithful prayers! And for grommets.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A turn for the worse

Cam’s ears have flared up in the last two days, and he will be going in first thing tomorrow morning, to have grommets put in. Please pray for very steady hands for the doctor working on very little ears… Thanks.

The pics: things got a little out of hand during supper last night…!?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A week of Spring...

We’re looking forward to our appointment with the ENT on Tuesday this week, because Cam’s ear infection is still lingering, we suspect, despite antibiotics et al. He was very unsettled on Thursday evening and seemed to be in pain (digging his little fingers into his ears…) so we took him to the LCM hospital emergency room. The doc on duty said that there was a lot of fluid build-up behind the right eardrum, but that his ears weren’t particularly red, so she wasn’t too concerned. Please do pray that the specialist will have particular insight and wisdom regarding a way forward (i.e. grommets or not). We have been very encouraged by the experience of others, and by a lot of the literature out there, that there is no reason why middle ear infections should cause permanent hearing damage.

It’s great to be back at school after such a restful holiday. I don’t say often enough how grateful we are to live on this campus, and to be blessed by the energy, optimism, care and fun that these College boys pour into my life, and amazingly, into Cam’s life. Teenagers are typically such selfish creatures, and it means so much when a Form 4 boy sits down next to me and asks ‘How’s Cam?’ I proceed to explain that he’s doing really well, etc. And then the seventeen-year-old says, ‘And Ma’am, how are you?’

I was also blessed this week by a phone call from Canada – from a lady I have never met, but who reads this blog and prays for us. Taryn, I was blown away by your kindness and encouragement. Thank you!

Believe it or not, Cam’s school, Heavenly Babies, is putting on a concert in October and his class is doing a dance…!? If you mention ‘dance’ or ‘concert’ he starts stamping excitedly and every now and then does a little gum-boot-dance type of kick in the air..! Too cute! :)

The photos are of rough-and-tumble with Dad after work (Cam is the blur), Cam playing with his new favourite discovery (a mouse), lunch at Nanna, me singing ‘I’m a little teapot…’ (Cam finds it hilarious), Cam not enjoying the cold ice-cream, a weekend afternoon snooze, and banging Dad’s laptop…