Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A word from Cameron

Hi everyone, Cameron here.

My Mom has been keeping my blog up to date but I also wanted to have a word…

I want to thank my Dad ‘cause he’s the coolest. It’s so hard for him because he fixes people’s eyes all day long but there’s nothing he can do at the moment to fix mine, and that makes him very sad. But he plays with me and makes me laugh and throws me up in the air like I’m a rocket… And he stays up very late at night while I am sleeping, finding out everything he can about what can be done about my eyes. He knows about all the fancy stuff that will help me see as much as possible, and the computers and things that will help me learn. He’s even working on this new idea to fix one of the problems that my eyes have (with the help of Grandpa, Uncle Paul Prozesky and Uncle Toby).

I also want to thank my Granny. Wow, she’s amazing! She is so good at thinking of ways to help me explore the world. She has also spent hours and hours finding out things that are helping me to develop all my other senses. She helps Mom so much, by looking after me sometimes so Mom can have a break, and by being there for Mom to talk to when she gets sad about my eyes. The best thing is that my Granny really believes in me!

Grandpa is so clever. He makes me stuff, like my light box, which helps me to see things. I love feeling his face, especially on weekends when he hasn’t shaved and it’s prickly!

My aunties are also the best. I love visiting them, and all my cousins! I love the way they cuddle and love me. They always make sure that they use my touch language so that I know what’s coming, because I can’t see if someone’s going to pick me up or change my nappy or something. I know Mom depends on them so much.

I just love my Nanna and Gramps. They are so proud of me and I know they pray for me all the time. They even sometimes set their alarm clock to wake up in the middle of the night to pray for me. And Nanna is taking some time off work later this year so that she can help look after me! She also always knows when Mom needs a hug.

I’m really grateful for Lola ‘cause she is helping to build up my immune system! She licks me all over when we come home. She also watches Mom change my nappy every time, and lies with me on the carpet when I’m playing. She chews a lot of my things but it’s not her fault ‘cause she’s still a puppy.

I think God has given me wonderful doctors and therapists. Dr Pauw, who is going to be doing the surgery on my eyes, was on holiday a couple weeks ago and he phoned Dad from Cape Town just to find out how I was doing. He really cares! I could mention so many names of amazing paediatricians, occupational therapists, physios and opthalmologists who have helped me so much, and are even praying for me!

I also want to thank all the people who have been praying for me – big people and little people, people I know and people I don’t know, Mom and Dad’s closest friends and colleagues and brothers and sisters in Christ, and people on the other side of the world who have just heard about me. Mom and Dad have so appreciated the love and encouragement. I hope that one day when I’m big I have friends like Mom and Dad’s!

I’d like to ask you to pray for my Mom ‘cause she has to go back to work on 1 September and she’s feeling sad about leaving me. She really loves her St Alban’s boys, but not as much as she loves me. I keep trying to tell her not to worry, because my doctors and therapists say that it’s a really good thing. They say that a baby like me (the fancy word for me is ‘visually impaired’, but you can also say ‘blind’, I really don’t mind) who is with his mom all day becomes a bit ‘ma vas’ and insecure because that’s all he knows. They say I need to get used to as many different people as possible so that I will be brave and confident and ready to discover the exciting stuff that’s all around me even though I can’t see it. Also, Granny and Maria and Nanna and Aunty Coral are going to be looking after me, and I love being with them!

I really don’t like drinking from a bottle, but I’m going to have to do that in the mornings while Mom’s at school, so please pray that I would get used to it.

Lastly I want to thank Jesus because He made me and He doesn’t make junk. I know that His plan for my life is the best one, and I’m excited to see (ha ha) what he has in store for me.

Thank you for checking my blog! :)

Love Cameron

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