Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hi all

Yesterday (3 June) we saw Dr Jacobus Pauw, the opthalmologist who will be performing the surgery. Great guy; really gracious. He is going to do an examination under anaesthetic of Cam's eyes (with Murray in on the procedure to do the refraction) on 25 June, and then they will make a decision about when to do the surgery - probably at 4-6 months.

Today I went back to the paediatrician - Cam needs a whole battery of blood and urine tests, to try to ascertain why the cateracts formed (genetics, etc). He also recommended that we all 3 see a specialist geneticist, to rule out any abnormalities i.t.o. us having more babies in the future...

So we keep on taking the next right step, one decision at a time, praying for wisdom and discernment at every turn.

In the mean time, Cam is smiling plenty and is cuter than ever!!! :)

Will keep you posted!

Love d

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